There is a connection between the progress of a society and progress in the arts! The age of Pericles was also the age of Phidias. The age of Lorenzo de’ Medici was also the age of Leonardo da Vinci. The age of Elizabeth was the age of Shakespeare!”
Culture Matters! Did you ever wonder why, Japan was rich while Taiwan was poor, Singapore well fed while Bangladesh starves or why this company grew, diversified and sustained for 52+ years while others failed?
Culture Matters, it may be the secret weapon companies need to retain workers and increase productivity and morale. A recent survey found that employees believe company culture has the greatest impact on employee morale (35 percent), followed by employee productivity (22 percent). Twenty-three percent of younger workers, ages 18 to 34, say it plays the biggest role in building job satisfaction.
What are the elements that create a solid culture? Do they include strong trusting relationships, customer focus, high accountability; support for innovation and new ideas?
A vital piece of trust is Maxwell’s Law of the Niche, “All players have a place where they add the most value.” Security is a key to successful culture, to the Law of the Niche. The Princeton Tigers follow the Law of the Niche. Their Athletic Director and Coaches preach, “All players have a place where they add the most value.” GOOD things happen when a player takes the place where he adds the most value. GREAT things happen when all of the players take a role that maximizes their strengths.
There is a two part responsibility in this concept. The first is the responsibility of the coach to identify the “niche” of each player on his team. The second responsibility is for the player to assume his coach-given role and pour his heart into that task.
Teammates must learn this:
• Be secure in your role
• Trust your coach’s judgment for your role
• Become a “master” at your trade (position)
• Stay focused on team goals (Law of the Big Picture)
Phil Crosby was the Director of Quality for Martin Marietta, very involved with NASA and early space vehicles. Crosby spoke about great teams and great cultures. His observation of the law of the niche is everyone knew their role. The place where they could contribute the most; he compared great teams to a symphony orchestra. “…the first trumpet never tried to do the cello’s part…” Sometimes we must be secure and trust others will play their part in our culture!
Trust and conflict are inherent issues of any organization. Without Trust, conflicts either do not happen or are destructive. Good conflict is positive, it encourages creativity, new looks at old conditions, the clarification of points of view, and the development of human capabilities to handle interpersonal differences.
There is a connection between the progress of a culture and progress it’s people, it’s teams!
Culture Matters!
Remember we live in the greatest country in the World and despite our economic issues, our politic parties, the talking heads and what appear to be a never ending whack a mole list of concerns — we are truly blessed.
All the runners in the race compete. Only one wins. Run to win.
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