The Observer effect, also known as The Heisenberg Effect, refers to changes that the act of observing will make on the phenomenon being observed. We could really get lost in this discussion. The Observer Effect is a subject of physics and quantum mechanics. But in operations or social science the effect refers to how people change their behavior when aware of being watched. For instance, in the armed forces, an announced inspection is used to see how well solders can do when they put their minds to it, while a surprise inspection is used to see how well prepared they generally are. Some experts connect this to Hawthorne.

Kerri Strug
High Morale is the great exaggerator. When the team is positive all the players feel good about themselves.
· practice, preparation seems to go more smoothly
· every break seems to go your way
· the small victories are sweet and the big ones make you feel invincible.
Some may call this a winning streak, but it’s the Big Mo, the great exaggerator at work.
High Morale is the great elevator. When a team possesses high morale, the performance of people goes to a whole new level.
· focus is on potential, not problems
· members are more committed
· members are confident and confidence helps them perform at a higher level.
High Morale is the Great Energizer. The team finds it as a source of high, almost endless energy, just like the “Energizer Bunny”. The energy changes the team’s view, no mountain too high, no river too wide, and its puts almost nothing out of reach.
High Morale is the Great Eliminator. A ream with high morale, momentum, and energy eliminates problems. Its views these roadblocks as opportunities.
High Morale is the Great Emancipator. It creates space, breathing room.eams that win, get credibility from their lenders, from their shareholders, and from their peers. Good Teams with high morale are free to take risks, to try new ideas, showcase their innovation and invention. High morale releases teams to reach their potential.
Lets consider Newton’s Law of Motion and how they relate to the BIG MO. In 1687 Sir Issac Newton, published Philsophiae Naturalis Prinipia Mathematica.

Newton's Cradle is a device that uses a series of equal pendulums to demonstrate the Laws of Conservation of Momentum and Conservation of Energy. By pulling an end ball away from the others and releasing it, the ball will swing and strike the next ball, causing in the last ball in the series to move away from the group. When the last ball returns, its collision then causes the first ball to move away. This process repeats until it finally wears down. Pulling away several balls will result in the same number of balls moving away at the other end.
1. An object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by a net force-Teams with The Big MO are in motion and continue in motion.
2. Force equals mass multiplied by acceleration-This law states the rate of change is proportional to the forces applied.-Teams with The Big Mo is the force. Teams are the mass. By the nature of Teams, the acceleration is great for each team member.
3. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.- Teams with The Big Mo, create traction. Their combined efforts, launch, move, send the team forward.
It takes a leader to create momentum. Others catch it. Harry Truman is quoted with saying, “If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen,” We may want to consider changing it to, If you can’t make some heat, get out of the kitchen.” Momentum is heat.
Most times when we are pushed to the wall we find the way to get over it. A key to remember is not some important where we are, but what is really important is that we are Moving. Finally, to keep the momentum we must set higher and higher goals.
The act of observing changes the results, pay attention to the process.
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