“I just want what we all want: a comfortable couch, a nice beverage, a weekend of no distractions and a book that will stop time, lift me out of my quotidian existence and alter my thinking forever.”
Quotidian, means commonplace, done daily or recurring daily. Often we need to remind ourselves, it’s our job to reach for the stars. We all get wedged, jammed by all the stuff we do every day. The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one.
We must realize that we cannot rest, we should not rejoice in our success. Remember the ancient advice, “a warning: that all glory is fleeting.” The problem is the quotidian; we must complete the daily tasks and find ways to separate ourselves from the competition, completing the grind. Reaching for the stars, becoming better requires we aspire for intelligence, stand-up for what’s right and help others, our neighbors.
Six Sigma equals 3.4 parts per million, it’s a good number a good goal. Part of the reach for the stars in six sigma is the understanding the opportunities for defect/error. The best of the best understand where they are compared to 3.4 issues for every million parts. Defect/error or opportunities for error counts everything, it counts set-up boxes, it counts first piece inspection tear downs it counts everything! 3.4 per million sound a little more difficult?
Six Sigma includes DMAIC:
The DMAIC project methodology has five phases:
• Define the problem, the voice of the customer, and the project goals, specifically.
• Measure key aspects of the current process and collect relevant data.
• Analyze the data to investigate and verify cause-and-effect relationships. Determine what the relationships are, and attempt to ensure that all factors have been considered. Seek out root cause of the defect under investigation.
• Improve or optimize the current process based upon data analysis using techniques such as design of experiments, poka yoke or mistake proofing, and standard work to create a new, future state process. Set up pilot runs to establish process capability.
• Control the future state process to ensure that any deviations from target are corrected before they result in defects. Implement control systems such as statistical process control, production boards, visual workplaces, and continuously monitor the process.
Part of our DNA is we can be better. Part of our DNA is we can be better, over and over. Reaching for the stars requires we understand the commonplace and reoccurring. The quotidian is the baseline, the foundation not the finish line. Sometimes we get trapped in the quagmire, the routine of the foundation; safety and a solid process linked like the double-helix of our DNA. Safety and Quality are the chainlike molecules, polynucleotide. Some keys to overcoming the swamp include the ability to think small, moving from inch stone to inch stone insures closure and permits, invites doing it better.
Enhanced performance comes from experimenting, from rifle shots not betting it all on one turn of pitch and toss. Our DNA is all about reaching for the stars, enhancing what we do. Often the best growth, the best ideas come from who we are; some call this method inside out. A box company that that listened to where its customer was going moved into contract packaging. Getting better requires we keep a pulse on what’s happening but don’t try to fit into the market—getting better we try to appeal to where their customers are heading. It’s an “inside-out” orientation.
Successful individuals want to make money, sure, but your goal has to be more than just making money. Finding success in business or life is about finding your purpose. Overcoming the Quotidian must be the first step; each of our goals must be tied to your deeper story, your sense of destiny for yourself and your business.
mark guith says
Purpose is the most fleeting for most individuals. We really have to tie it to what we are most passionate about.
The project methodology you define is similiar to the PDCA continuum (plan-do-check-adjust).
Keep the info flowing your insight and knowledge base always gives me a new perspective.