Standards in the Family Business Jean Piaget was a Swiss developmental psychologist and philosopher known for his epistemological studies with children. His theory of cognitive development and epistemological view are together called “genetic epistemology”. One of Piaget’s theories discusses objective permanence. Object permanence is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be observed [Continue Reading]
Standards Become Culture in Family Business
Standards are how we perform, where we are and what we hold ourselves and others accountable. In many organizations, employees must meet standards of professional behavior as a condition of employment. These standards help an organization create a respectful working environment for everyone. If you learn the standards that govern your workplace, you can ensure that [Continue Reading]
Family Business Leadership starts with Self-Leadership, Self-awareness
Responsible Leadership in an Unforgiving World is the title of a 2013 book by Joseph Badaracco. Badaracco is a professor of Business ethics at Harvard Business School. He is also a Senior Associate Dean, Chair of the MBA Program. This work made me reflect on some of the Family Businesses HRB is working with — [Continue Reading]
Nom de Guerre
The chess player views the whole board and envisions two moves ahead. Some family business have members at the top who don’t look forward. What is your assumed name – nom de guerre – in the Family Business? What is your assumed name? Are you a front-runner, ground-breaker, or second-rate, insufficient? Nom de guerre is [Continue Reading]
Business Leaders — Tested by Fire?
Business Leaders motivate, Business Leaders acknowledge failure as part of the process, Business Leaders delegate and listen. In 1989 Abraham Zaleznik, wrote “Leaders are ‘twice-born’ individuals who endure major events that lead to a sense of separateness…from their environments,” he continued. “That sense of separateness may be a necessary condition for their ability to lead.” [Continue Reading]
What Are The Three Requests Most Leaders Forget?
Three Requests Most Leaders Forget: • Ask for Forgiveness • Promise Problems • Ask for Help Successful Family Business Leaders remember these three tools. Be open and ask your Team for forgiveness. Some of the benefits include: Creating candor and a willingness to change the status quo and improve. It shows you are vulnerable, transparent. [Continue Reading]
Does your Family Owned Business have a Code, an Ethos, a culture?
What is your Family Owned BusinessCode, Ethos or culture? Ethos is a Greek word meaning “character” that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community, nation, or ideology. Culture is comprised of many different elements that have been passed down for generations, including knowledge, belief systems, experiences, values, attitudes, religion, [Continue Reading]
Family Business and Chaos Theory
Family Business and Chaos Theory. Our Team continued to work at the family’s manufacturing plant. Improvement is difficult without stability. Do you know anything about the chaos theory? It has to do with fractal mathematics. A fractal is a natural phenomenon or a mathematical set that exhibits a repeating pattern that displays at every [Continue Reading]