There has never been a more important time to be good at the basics! Customer service, service service. The Economy is improving, volumes are up. Our organizations are lean and we must follow the process. Nothing is more important to the long-term health of our business than the trust of our customers, all our customers [Continue Reading]
Customer Service — 81% Believe Small Firms Do It Better
Why does customer service matter? An August American Express survey showed the average American is shaking off the recession, it also found that 70 percent of consumers are willing to spend an average of 13 percent more with companies they believe provide excellent customer service. This figure is up substantially from 2010, when 58 percent [Continue Reading]
“Delivering Happiness” Through Better Business Culture
Does your small business deliver WOW service? Does it embrace and drive change? Does your family business make you adventurous, open minded and creative? Does your closely held business create fun, pursue growth and learning? Are you passionate, open, and communicative; [column width=”46%” padding=”4%”] believe in Teams and Family? Do you understand that companies with [Continue Reading]
Customer Service – A Compass will help the Team find their way
Having and executing a plan are key puzzle pieces linked to solid metrics and great communication. A Compass will help the Team find their way. In John Grissom’s The Client, attorney Reggie Love wears a compass around her neck. A recovering alcoholic and pill user, Love explains, “So I’ll never lose my way again.” Success [Continue Reading]