“I quit!” said Bobby.”It’s a joke” Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America ( BSA). A Scout who attains this rank is called an Eagle Scout or Eagle. Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than [Continue Reading]
How to Properly Manage Succession Planning in Small Business and Family Business
“Call Me Irish but I don’t believe in Cooler Heads Prevailing” The stereotypical temper of the Irish and those of Irish descent is most often somewhat unexpected, extremely passionate, and very short-lived. In Family Business sometimes cooler heads don’t prevail. Main conflicts in Family Business include control, succession planning, performance and compensation issues. William [Continue Reading]
“You’ll Miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”
Don’t Miss the Opportunity “You’ll Miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” Family Businesses, the successful ones, recognize that their longevity depends on keeping customers, employees and shareholders happy. Recently a family business President commented on the challenges and the opportunities that have been presented to him. He expressed his personal drive, focus and [Continue Reading]
Family Business from Entrepreneurial to Managerial to Professional +Social Media
“An office worker was fired after her employer discovered her sex blog. A waitress was fired for venting about a customer on Facebook. A woman lost a job offer at Cisco because of something she said on Twitter. These incidents illustrate why it might be wise to create a social media policy for our employees.” [Continue Reading]
HowTo Survive Being In The Sandwich Generation
When we think of sandwiches, we probably all have our favorites – peanut butter and jelly, turkey rueben, ham and cheese, just to name a few. But what about a different kind of sandwich? What about the sandwich generation? This type of sandwich refers to individuals usually squeezed between younger children as well as elderly [Continue Reading]
Sustainability as a key driver in innovation
Sustainability as a key driver in innovation. Sustainability is the capacity to endure.