“Call Me Irish but I don’t believe in Cooler Heads Prevailing” The stereotypical temper of the Irish and those of Irish descent is most often somewhat unexpected, extremely passionate, and very short-lived. In Family Business sometimes cooler heads don’t prevail. Main conflicts in Family Business include control, succession planning, performance and compensation issues. William [Continue Reading]
It’s About Direction, Not Perfection
No effort is insignificant. By merely making a choice and pursuing an action, you can have an impact. Sure you might fail (at first), you might not be heard (at first), but you, your company, your world, your universe will be different because you took action. You moved forward on a new idea, workflow, [Continue Reading]
Hoshin Kanri And Business Process Management (BPM)
. Hoshin Kanri is an Eastern phrase. Toyota uses it and translates it as the “point of a compass, the shiny needle that points true North or The Direction.” Key Operating Indicators that are linked and shared are past of a Hoshin System. Everyone in an organization understands that these metrics point the direction we [Continue Reading]
Process Management Key To Capturing Market Share, Leveraging Changes In Market Conditions
Can better business process management practices improve your position by making it easier be first-to-market product change/innovation, service or delivery method? Family Businesses surveyed by a major accounting firm shared some interesting observations. One of their observation showed how family firms viewed the demand for their products over the past twelve months, 44% felt the [Continue Reading]