“The digital divide has increasingly become about knowledge and adoption of new technologies rather than access. Which side of the divide are you on – are you a leader or a laggard?” This week there were a few events/blogs that really triggered our thoughts. The first was a “Mastermind” meeting. Initially put off by [Continue Reading]
The Proper Mentor
A recent post in the New York Times featured Vice Admiral Edward Straw. Straw graduated from the US Naval Academy and rose through the ranks until he ran the Defense Logistics Agency. The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) is an agency in the United States Department of Defense, with more than 26,000 civilian and military [Continue Reading]
EQ – What Einstein didn’t teach you!
Have you ever worked with someone who was incredibly smart, but somehow managed to damage relationships and had difficulty working with other people effectively? We have all heard the term “book smarts”, describing someone who might score well on an intelligence test. Different terms are used to describe a person through of as savvy and very [Continue Reading]
The Choreography of Sales Service – Should You Underpromise And Overdeliver?
. “We provide solutions.” Sound familiar, this is what our business is based on; what many business are based on, we all provide services. Today, the service sector’s share of the U.S. economy has risen to roughly 80 percent. Being a service business is complex, complicated and it’s on a continuum; customer’s expectations increase with [Continue Reading]
Give Time for Time.
Time Management- Donner du temps au temp Time in the organization is constant and irreversible. Nothing can be substituted for time. Worse, once wasted, it can never be regained. Everyone has numerous demands on their limited time. Time keeps getting away and we have trouble controlling it. No matter what your position, we cannot stop [Continue Reading]
Common Wisdom On Team Building With Champs, Not Chumps
Does Your Firm Excel As A Team? Trying to pick a restaurant for an important event a friend shared an interesting insight; the local area had a 5 star rating system. If you had to choose would you select a one or two star? One of my friends has been awarded a large project with [Continue Reading]
Process Management Key To Capturing Market Share, Leveraging Changes In Market Conditions
Can better business process management practices improve your position by making it easier be first-to-market product change/innovation, service or delivery method? Family Businesses surveyed by a major accounting firm shared some interesting observations. One of their observation showed how family firms viewed the demand for their products over the past twelve months, 44% felt the [Continue Reading]
Adaptability: the ability to change (or be changed) to fit new or different circumstances